System Administration

Services on a running system

Liminix services are built on s6-rc, which is itself layered on s6. Services are defined at build time in your configuration (see Services for information) and can’t be added to/changed at runtime, but to monitor events or diagnose problems you may need to inspect them on the running system. Here are some of the most commonly used s6,-rc commands:

Service management quick reference



List all running services

s6-rc -a list

List all services that are not running

s6-rc -da list

List services that wombat depends on

s6-rc-db dependencies wombat

… transitively

s6-rc-db all-dependencies wombat

List services that depend on service wombat

s6-rc-db -d dependencies wombat

… transitively

s6-rc-db -d all-dependencies wombat

Stop service wombat and everything depending on it

s6-rc -d change wombat

Start service wombat (but not any services depending on it)

s6-rc -u change wombat

Start service wombat and all* services depending on it

s6-rc-up-tree wombat

s6-rc-up-tree brings up a service and all services that depend on it, except for any services that depend on a “controlled” service that is not currently running. Controlled services are not started at boot time but in response to external events (e.g. plugging in a particular piece of hardware) so you probably don’t want to be starting them by hand if the conditions aren’t there.

A service may be up or down (there are no intermediate states like “started” or “stopping” or “dying” or “cogitating”). Some (but not all) services have “readiness” notifications: the dependents of a service with a readiness notification won’t be started until the service signals (by writing to a nominated file descriptor) that it’s prepared to start work. Most services defined by Liminix also have a timeout-up parameter, which means that if a service has readiness notifications and doesn’t become ready in the allotted time (defaults 20 seconds) it will be terminated and its state set to down.

If the process providing a service dies, it will be restarted automatically. Liminix does not automatically set it to down.

(If the process providing a service dies without ever notifying readiness, Liminix will restart it as many times as it has to until the timeout period elapses, and then stop it and mark it down.)

Controlled services

Controlled services are those which are started/stopped on demand by a controller (another service) instead of being started at boot time. For example:

  • creates a controlled service which is active when a particular hardware device (identified by uevent/sysfs directory) is present.

  • creates a service controller that invokes two or more services in turn, running the next one when the process providing the previous one exits. We use this for failover from one network connection to a backup connection, for example.

  • creates a service controller that runs a controlled service and periodically tests whether it is healthy by running an external health check command or script. If the check command repeatedly fails, the controlled service is restarted.

    The Configuration section of the manual describes controlled services in more detail. Some operational considerations

  • round-robin detects a service status by looking at its outputs directory, so it won’t work unless the service creates some outputs. This is considered a bug and will be fixed in a future release

  • health-check works for longruns but not for oneshots, as it internally relies on s6-svc to restart the process


Logs for all services are collated into /run/uncaught-logs/current. The log file is rotated when it reaches a threshold size, into another file in the same directory whose name contains a TAI64 timestamp.

Each log line is prefixed with a TAI64 timestamp and the name of the service, if it is a longrun. If it is a oneshot, a timestamp and the name of some other service. To convert the timestamp into a human-readable format, use s6-tai64nlocal.

# ls -l /run/uncaught-logs/
-rw-r--r--    1         0 lock
-rw-r--r--    1         0 state
-rwxr--r--    1     98059 @4000000000025cb629c311ac.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98061 @40000000000260f7309c7fb4.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98041 @40000000000265233a6cc0b6.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98019 @400000000002695d10c06929.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98064 @4000000000026d84189559e0.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98055 @40000000000271ce1e031d91.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98054 @400000000002760229733626.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98104 @4000000000027a2e3b6f4e12.s
-rwxr--r--    1     98023 @4000000000027e6f0ed24a6c.s
-rw-r--r--    1     42374 current

# tail -2 /run/uncaught-logs/current
@40000000000284f130747343 Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
@40000000000284f230acc669 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x667a9594> <pcomp> <accomp>]
# tail -2 /run/uncaught-logs/current  | s6-tai64nlocal
1970-01-02 21:51:45.828598156 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x667a9594> <pcomp> <accom
1970-01-02 21:51:48.832588765 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x667a9594> <pcomp> <accom

Updating an installed system (JFFS2)

Adding packages

If your device is running a JFFS2 root filesystem, you can build extra packages for it on your build system and copy them to the device: any package in Nixpkgs or in the Liminix overlay is available with the pkgs prefix:

nix-build -I liminix-config=./my-configuration.nix \
 --arg device "import ./devices/mydevice" -A pkgs.tcpdump

nix-shell -p min-copy-closure root@the-device result/

Note that this only copies the package to the device: it doesn’t update any profile to add it to $PATH

Rebuilding the system

liminix-rebuild is the Liminix analogue of nixos-rebuild, although its operation is a bit different because it expects to run on a build machine and then copy to the host device. Run it with the same liminix-config and device parameters as you would run nix-build, and it will build any new/changed packages and then copy them to the device using SSH. For example:

liminix-rebuild root@the-device  -I liminix-config=./examples/rotuer.nix --arg device "import ./devices/gl-ar750"

This will

  • build anything that needs building

  • copy new or changed packages to the device

  • reboot the device

It doesn’t delete old packages automatically: to do that run min-collect-garbage, which will delete any packages not in the current system closure. Note that Liminix does not have the NixOS concept of environments or generations, and there is no way back from this except for building the previous configuration again.


  • it needs there to be enough free space on the device for all the new packages in addition to all the packages already on it - which may be a problem if a lot of things have changed (e.g. a new version of nixpkgs).

  • it cannot upgrade the kernel, only userland

Reinstalling on a running system

Liminix is initially installed from a monolithic firmware.bin - and unless you’re running a writable filesystem, the only way to update it is to build and install a whole new firmware.bin. However, you probably would prefer not to have to remove it from its installation site, unplug it from the network and stick serial cables in it all over again.

It is not (generally) safe to install a new firmware onto the flash partitions that the active system is running on. To address this we have levitate, which a way for a running Liminix system to “soft restart” into a ramdisk running only a limited set of services, so that the main partitions can then be safely flashed.


Levitate needs to be configured when you create the initial system to specify which services/packages/etc to run in maintenance mode. Most likely you want to configure a network interface and an ssh for example so that you can login to reflash it.

defaultProfile.packages = with pkgs; [
  (levitate.override {
    config  = {
      services = {
        inherit ( dhcpc sshd watchdog;
      defaultProfile.packages = [ mtdutils ];
      users.root = config.users.root;


Connect (with ssh, probably) to the running Liminix system that you wish to upgrade.

bash$ ssh root@the-device

Run levitate. This takes a little while (perhaps a few tens of seconds) to execute, and copies all config required for maintenance mode to /run/maintenance.

# levitate

Reboot into maintenance mode. You will be logged out

# reboot

Connect to the device again - note that the ssh host key will have changed.

# ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@the-device

Check we’re in maintenance mode

# cat /etc/banner


Most services are disabled. The system is operating
with a ram-based root filesystem, making it safe to
overwrite the flash devices in order to perform
upgrades and maintenance.

Don't forget to reboot when you have finished.

Perform the upgrade, using flashcp. This is an example, your device will differ

# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00030000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00010000 00010000 "u-boot-env"
mtd2: 00010000 00010000 "factory"
mtd3: 00f80000 00010000 "firmware"
mtd4: 00220000 00010000 "kernel"
mtd5: 00d60000 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd6: 00010000 00010000 "art"
# flashcp -v firmware.bin mtd:firmware

All done

# reboot