
As a developer working on Liminix, or implementing a service or module, you probably want to test your changes more conveniently than by building and flashing a new image every time. This section documents various affordances for iteration and experiments.

In general, packages and tools that run on the “build” machine are available in the buildEnv derivation and can most easily be added to your environment by running nix-shell.

Emulated devices

Liminix has a qemu device, which generates images suitable for running on your build machine using the free QEMU machine emulator. This is useful for developing userland without needing to keep flashing or messing with U-Boot: it also enables testing against emulated network peers using QEMU socket networking, which may be preferable to letting Liminix loose on your actual LAN. To build it,

nix-build -I liminix-config=path/to/your/configuration.nix --arg device "import ./devices/qemu" -A outputs.default

This creates a result/ directory containing a vmlinux and a rootfs, and also a shell script which invokes QEMU to run that kernel with that filesystem. It connects the Liminix serial console and the QEMU monitor to stdin/stdout. Use ^P (not ^A) to switch to the monitor.

If you run with --background /path/to/some/directory as the first parameter, it will fork into the background and open Unix sockets in that directory for console and monitor. Use nix-shell --run connect-vm to connect to either of these sockets, and ^O to disconnect.


VMs can network with each other using QEMU socket networking. We observe these conventions, so that we can run multiple emulated instances and have them wired up to each other in the right way:

  • multicast : access (interconnect between router and “isp”)

  • multicast : lan

  • multicast : world (the internet)

Any VM started by a script is connected to “lan” and “access”, and the emulated border network gateway (see below) runs PPPoE and is connected to “access” and “world”.

Border Network Gateway

In pkgs/routeros there is a derivation to install and configure Mikrotik RouterOS as a PPPoE access concentrator connected to the access and world networks, so that Liminix PPPoE client support can be tested without actual hardware.

This is made available as the routeros command in buildEnv, so you can do something like:

mkdir ros-sockets
nix-shell$ routeros ros-sockets
nix-shell$ connect-vm ./ros-sockets/console

to start it and connect to it. Note that by default it runs in the background. It is connected to “access” and “world” virtual networks and runs a PPPoE service on “access” - so a Liminix VM with a PPPOE client can connect to it and thus reach the virtual internet. [ check, but pretty sure this is not the actual internet ]

Liminix does not provide RouterOS licences and it is your own responsibility if you use this to ensure you’re compliant with the terms of Mikrotik’s licencing. It may be supplemented or replaced in time with configurations for RP-PPPoE and/or Accel PPP.

Hardware devices


How you get your image onto hardware will vary according to the device, but is likely to involve taking it apart to add wires to serial console pads/headers, then using U-Boot to fetch images over TFTP. The OpenWrt documentation has a good explanation of what you may expect to find on the device.

There is a rudimentary TFTP server bundled with the system which runs from the command line, has an allowlist for client connections, and follows symlinks, so you can have your device download images direct from the ./result directory without exposing /nix/store/ to the internet or mucking about copying files to /tftproot. If the permitted device is to be given the IP address you might do something like this:

nix-shell --run "tufted -a result"

Now add the device and server IP addresses to your configuration:

boot.tftp = {
  serverip = "";
  ipaddr = "";

and then build the derivation for outputs.default or outputs.mtdimage (for which it will be an alias on any device where this is applicable). You should find it has created

  • result/firmware.bin which is the file you are going to flash

  • result/flash.scr which is a set of instructions to U-Boot to download the image and write it to flash after erasing the appropriate flash partition.


TTL serial connections typically have no form of flow control and so don’t always like having massive chunks of text pasted into them - and U-Boot may drop characters while it’s busy. So don’t necessarily expect to copy-paste the whole of boot.scr into a terminal emulator and have it work just like that. You may need to paste each line one at a time, or even retype it.

For a faster edit-compile-test cycle, you can build a TFTP-bootable image instead of flashing. In your device configuration add

imports = [

and then build outputs.tftpboot. This creates a file in result/ called boot.scr, which you can copy and paste into U-Boot to transfer the kernel and filesystem over TFTP and boot the kernel from RAM.


You probably don’t want to be testing a device that might serve DHCP, DNS and routing protocols on the same LAN as you (or your colleagues, employees, or family) are using for anything else, because it will interfere. You also might want to test the device against an “upstream” connection without having to unplug your regular home router from the internet so you can borrow the cable/fibre/DSL.

bordervm is included for this purpose. You will need

You need to “hide” the Ethernet device from the host - for PCI this means configuring it for VFIO passthru; for USB you need to unload the module(s) it uses. I have this segment in configuration.nix which you may be able to adapt:

boot = {
  kernelParams = [ "intel_iommu=on" ];
  kernelModules = [
    "kvm-intel" "vfio_virqfd" "vfio_pci" "vfio_iommu_type1" "vfio"

  postBootCommands = ''
    # modprobe -i vfio-pci
    # echo vfio-pci > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/driver_override
  blacklistedKernelModules = [
    "r8153_ecm" "cdc_ether"
services.udev.extraRules = ''
  SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8153", OWNER="dan"

Then you can execute run-border-vm in a buildEnv shell, which starts up QEMU using the NixOS configuration in bordervm-configuration.nix.

In this VM

  • your Liminix checkout is mounted under /home/liminix/liminix

  • TFTP is listening on the ethernet device and serving /home/liminix/liminix. The server IP address is

  • a PPPOE-L2TP relay is running on the same ethernet card. When the connected Liminix device makes PPPoE requests, the relay spawns L2TPv2 Access Concentrator sessions to your specified L2TP LNS. Note that authentication is expected at the PPP layer not the L2TP layer, so the PAP/CHAP credentials provided by your L2TP service can be configured into your test device - bordervm doesn’t need to know about them.

To configure bordervm, you need a file called bordervm.conf.nix which you can create by copying and appropriately editing bordervm.conf-example.nix


If you make changes to the bordervm configuration after executing run-border-vm, you need to remove the border.qcow2 disk image file otherwise the changes won’t get picked up.

Running tests

You can run all of the tests by evaluating ci.nix, which is the input I use in Hydra.

nix-build -I liminix=`pwd`  ci.nix -A pppoe # run one job
nix-build -I liminix=`pwd`  ci.nix -A all # run all jobs


Diagnosing unexpectedly large images

Sometimes you can add a package and it causes the image size to balloon because it has dependencies on other things you didn’t know about. Build the outputs.manifest attribute, which is a JSON representation of the filesystem, and you can run nix-store --query on it.

nix-build -I liminix-config=path/to/your/configuration.nix \
  --arg device "import ./devices/qemu" -A outputs.manifest \
  -o manifest
nix-store -q --tree manifest


Contributions are welcome, though in these early days there may be a bit of back and forth involved before patches are merged: Please get in touch somehow before you invest a lot of time into a code contribution I haven’t asked for. Just so I know it’s expected and you’re not wasting time doing something I won’t accept or have already started on.

Nix language style

This section describes some Nix language style points that we attempt to adhere to in this repo.

  • favour callPackage over raw import for calling derivations or any function that may generate one - any code that might need pkgs or parts of it.

  • prefer let inherit (quark) up down strange charm over with quark, in any context where the scope is more than a single expression or there is more than one reference to up, down etc. with pkgs; [ foo bar baz] is OK, with lib; stdenv.mkDerivation { ... } is usually not.

  • <liminix> is defined only when running tests, so don’t refer to it in “application” code

  • the parameters to a derivation are sorted alphabetically, except for lib, stdenv and maybe other non-package “special cases”

  • indentation is whatever emacs nix-mode says it is.

  • where a let form defines multiple names, put a newline after the token let, and indent each name two characters

  • to decide whether some code should be a package or a module? Packages are self-contained - they live in /nix/store/eeeeeee-name and don’t directly change system behaviour by their presence or absense. modules can add to /etc or /bin or other global state, create services, all that side-effecty stuff. Generally it should be a package unless it can’t be.

Code of Conduct

Please govern yourself in Liminix project venues according to the Code of Conduct

Where to send patches

Liminix’ primary repo is but you can’t send code there directly because it doesn’t have open registrations.

  • There’s a mirror on Github for convenience and visibility: you can open PRs against that

  • or, you can send me your patch by email using git send-email

  • or in the future, some day, we will have federated Gitea using ActivityPub.